Concert Review

Fidotrust Fest in Long Beach

Words by Ice Cream Man

Photos by David Thornton, Nicolas Bates

The Long Beach music scene doesnt get the recognition it deserves. Im prolly not the only one here whos more than fed up with Snoop Dogg and Sublime references over and over. Especially when theres just as good a crop of bands here now than any time I can remember. Maybe what we need to get bet all the best bands together to get people to check them out. Thats exactly what Fidotrust has done. Not only did they release a compilation featuring over a dozen Long Beach bands but they organized Fido Trust Fest which featured all the bands over four days at Alexs Bar and The Prospector.

As soon as Gooch heard about it he got in touch and worked out cream slinging arrangements. Technically weve given away ice cream at both bars before but this was the first time we were set to be there for most of the night with Bessie. Thursday and Saturday night were going to be at The Prospector and Friday and Sunday would be at Alexs. Due to the lack of decent parking spots around The Prospector, Gooch had the foresight to pull up the Dinosaur Jr. Yaris weve been taking care of to hold the a spot to swap out with Bessie once we got their around 10. The lineup that night included The Year Zero, Greater California, The Deadly Finns and The Soft Hands. I got to catch a lil of Year Zero and they sounded a lot more full and upbeat than I remembered. Right as their set was ending I asked for the DJ/Soundman to mention we had free cream outside then ended up staying outside the rest of the night. Part of the reason I was cool with it was that I could still hear the bands fine, having only fifteen feet from the stage and having one wall between us. Greater California has been around for a while and they recently finished their as yet untitled new album which further explores the sundrenched sound of a band happy to be from Golden State.

Gooch took care of business on Friday night and as far as I can remember he ended up outside the whole night and wasnt able to catch the Spanish named bands of the night Los Mysteriosos, Dios Malos, Bella Novela and Pantuflas (aka Slippers).

Saturday was back to The Prospector for the ROCK portion of the fest. Crystal Antlers, Fast Dragon (with crew member Mike Brown Town Garcia), Horns, and Telomere Repair. Once parked I headed in for a bit to catch some tunes before slinging the night away. I thought I was walking in as Horns was starting up but it was Crystal Antlers. The place was packed and I made my way to the back near the soundboard where I could rock most of the set then kindly ask Brandon to mention the free cream once their set was over. The best part about doing Fidotrust was seeing all my friends. Generally when we sling at a show in LA (which we havent been doing too much lately) well see a couple familiar faces but I was born and raised in Long Beach and its always nice to catch up with old friends. Side note I used to buy comic books across the street from The Prospector when I was around 12 years old. If you wouldve told me then, that twenty years later Id be parked in from of the Prospector giving away ice cream, I wonder what I wouldve thought.

If you liked to check out tunes from any of the bands, click their names above or head down to Fingerprints and pick up the Fido Trust compilation and hear some of the best stuff Long Beach has to offer. ‘Nother side note We werent able to make it out on Sunday to Alexs but if youre checking out LB bands you should also listen to Forcefield On, Tijuana Knife Fight, Thinking Aloud, Knives of the Official Disappointment, Arrow Down and BlowUpBlow who played that night.

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