News Article

Road Trippin’ with Ice Cream Man at Pitchfork 2010 Part 2

Words by Dave Gooch

Photos by

Oh Pitchfork, you bastion of rock. So awesome we had to devote a second week to it just to get all the shenanigans in. We ended our weekend at Pitchfork by hitting the unofficial super after party, Bitchpork. We caught sets from White Mystery and The Crown and Two Chairmen and explored the recesses of the warehouse. We didn’t touch anything, we swear!

After Pitchfork we set off for one of Ice Cream Man’s homes away from home, Brooklyn. On the way, rode a roller coaster (of course) and got a performance from Islands at Blue Bottle Coffee.

See this and more at and get ready for some more adventures.

1 Comment

Mary Denton July 31, 2010 at 6:17 am

Great video

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