Concert Review

Liars at the Warsaw with No Age

Words by Abbey Braden

Photos by Abbey Braden

You know, Angus Andrew’s freak sciatica accident might be the best thing to happen to the Liars. The first time I saw the band it was absolutely overwhelming. Too overwhelming. Watching the enigmatic frontman swoop back and forth around the stage was a giant noise-pop ping pong game. The freakishly tall lead singer had assumed the role of a maniacal symphony conductor- albeit in a David Byrne worthy white suit with the wingspan of a pterodactyl- who led his band of misfits into battle. Let’s just say they pretty much hadoukened the whole crowd. By the end of the victorious set I hadn’t blinked, and I was in possession of a pile of non-sensical notes and photos of this motley gang of misfits. The experience was beyond words and I wanted more.

So when news spread that the aforementioned lead singer threw his back out only to be found face down on the living room floor, we thought the Liars tour was a goner. As in RIP, see you next album, and so on and so forth. THEN their record label gave word that the show would go on… albeit with Angus performing in a chair. I didn’t know what was worse: an incapacitated Liars gig, or no show at all. I braced myself as I headed out to the Polish National Home in Greenpoint. It’s been a long year of seeing acts that ‘don’t play like they used to’ but at least at this venue you can order up a batch of pierogies on the side.

After a surf-tastic set by two piece outfit No Age, during which the guitar got passed into the audience for some fun with reverb- the mood shifted and the hardcore Liars fans were revealed by bum rushing the front. Did I mention this was an all ages sold out show? Hysteria. Anyway Aaron, the renaissance guitar-synth-percussionist of the band, came onstage and fiddled with each instrument. He was not wearing his trademark cat sweater (the the disappointment on the kids to my left), instead clad in an oxford shirt. Julian then appeared and took his spot behind the drumset. Considering the last outfit he wore in NYC was a boy’s sailor costume complete with cap his outfit, like Aaron’s, was decidedly tame. He was followed calmly by their tourmate Jarret and the crowd fell silent in anticipation of the frontman. Would he come out with a hunched over with cane? Jacked up on painkillers?

None of us had any clue what was in store for the night and the lights went down. Finally Angus’ silhouette appeared in the doorway and a roar rose from the packed crowd. He shuffled slowly to the beat of the drum to the front of the stage and raised this fists in the air defiantly for close to a minute. The audience was thrilled for two reasons- 1) because he could lift his arms above his head and 2) he looked seconds away from starting a fight. He then took a seat in a wooden chair, but still appeared that he could instigate a bar brawl if given the chance. What happened next was nothing short of a Christmas miracle. I witnessed one of the most captivating displays of showmanship in my entire concert going career, and it was delivered from a person technically sitting on his ass.

Set wise, Houseclouds kicked off the commotion. This is a song I love as it has a Pixies worthy backbeat and surf guitar rolls with a chorus that everyone can pump their fist along to- it’s the Liars at their most accessible. Andrew dedicated ‘Pure Unevil’ to a particular Kate Murphy in the audience, and a collective sigh rose from the female contingent in the room. He picked up his guitar and, propping his foot against an amp, proceeded to shred ever so sweetly. Pure Unevil indeed. No one was ready for what followed with their blindsiding rendition of ‘Drum and the Uncomfortable Can’ (off the ‘Drums Not Dead’ LP) though. Angus rose to his feet, and with the lights flashing in conjunction with the epic intro he came again to the front of the stage. Hunched over with his hands on hips he turned danced slowly in circles, finally flinging his arms open to the audience and proceeded to deliver one of the most primal shout- solos of all time. Then, bracing himself upright with both hands on the mic stand he proceeded to howl, peeling away at the layers of the chorus. Needless to say the front section of the hall dissolved into a mosh pit.

One really has to hand it to the Liars. As musicians they’re quite capable of crowd pleasing avant-garde art rock, but as composers they keep it weird enough to render listeners on teetering on edge with intoxicating results. Each song has its own plan of attack, and each album hurls itself off a cliff to get to the next one. We stumbled out into the rain not entirely sure if we were coming or going, but damn sure we might not experience any gig like that ever again. Do yourself a favor and pick up their latest S/T release on Mute if you dare. Frankly it might as well be a kerosene soaked rag: it’s dangerous music at its best. They are also giving away a four track EP here

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