News Article

Lucent L’Amour in L.A.

Words by CraSH

Photos by CraSH

A night of reveling and performance put on by The Do Lab in the industrial section of downtown LA in their somewhat annual Lucent Lamour. Being billed as a Visionary Love Fest. As always a first rate production, despite the fact that the original venue fell through and this location was chosen only a week prior. Nonetheless all the accoutrements expected in a Playa version of a Valentine Celebration were present. Rose petals strewn about with mandalas hidden in the niches prominently displaying Hindu gods and even a Cling Wrap Kissing Booth. Most of the attendees with their intricately painted faces in their post-apocalyptic industrial costumes blended with the performers of Lucent Dossier. As is often the case with these events the audience and performers blend into one experience. The experience of Lucent Lamour.

The open court yard was where Lucent Dossier performed their Lucent Lamour. A performance of frenetic vaudevillian dance and theater, tinged with sexual innuendo and tension. Although this type of performance may not be for everyone, it maybe prophetic in how we might tell our stories in some future scenario. Where the village might gather around and watch stories from days of yore or future prophecy. The performance itself can be difficult to follow, because each performer is adding their interpretation to the whole. Yet to watch any given individual performer will cause you to miss the whole, and vice versa. Perhaps it is this confusion that breaks down those barriers that allows us to see this new possibility in light of the constricting social norms that oppress our true creative sense.

After an exhausting yet satisfying performance by Lucent, the night was followed by some insane organic tribal spinning by Bassnectar and some great experimental jazz fusion by Helios Jive. As the crowd filtered out in the wee hours of the morning with their smirks of satisfaction, with pursed lips of anticipation for the next great Do Lab Event..Lightning in a Bottle in Santa Barbara over Memorial Day weekend.

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