Concert Review

Sage Francis at Open Books in Long Beach

Words by Ice Cream Man

Photos by Frank Burton

Ridiculous, I just retyped a bunch of the Avi Buffalo review thinking I would roll in Sage Francis and Avi together since we didn’t get many pics of Sage. Once I was down to the last paragraph I realized I had already written an Avi review which was on the homepage…..errrrgh.

Last week Frank and I busted out our new ice cream trike to take down to {open} to catch Sage Francis with Long Beach locals Free Moral Agents backing. It was a secret warm-up show for their upcoming tour together that will take them all over North America. We got there a little late because we were fixing up our new ride, mainly trying to get a brake to work and mounting the wood cooler on the back so it wouldn’t bounce off.

We made it down to find no one outside of {open}. The front windows of the store were covered in butcher paper and I quickly realized they really did want to keep this intimate instead of a full-on party. I got to hear a few songs from the outside and the addition of Free Moral Agents as a backing band was very intriguing. It’s hard to believe that was the first time they had played a live show together. Frank ran inside to try to grab some pics but they were just wrapping up and I think he only was able to get one or two. The good part was that everyone soon headed out and we were able to give away a bunch of cream. Sage also stopped by The Prospector the following night to sit in for a few tracks during Free Moral Agents’ set. I’ve seen a lot of good artists and bands at The Prospector but I never would have guessed Sage would be there. Hope he liked Long Beach.


May 3, 2010 at 11:22 am

Great pics! Thank you so much for coming by! You guys really helped take the night to the next level. It was pretty epic to be able to shout to the crowd after the show “free ice cream outside!” and have people look at me like I was a) crazy or b) just trying to get them to leave! And then lo and behold, there really was free ice cream! CuzLong Beach really is just that awesome. And you are one of the reasons! Viva le Ice Cream Man! :)

chainsaw May 3, 2010 at 10:35 pm

Awww, I made the album cover! Thanks for the free ice cream and thanks for having a vegan option as well! I agree with Se’, Viva le Ice Cream Man!!!

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