Ice Cream Crew

Ice Cream Man, Matt Allen
Matt started his first adventure right out of high school, when he decided to drive around the country riding as many roller coasters as possible. Many journeys have passed since then, and as Ice Cream Man, Matt is still making adventure a way of life. When not on the road with Bessie, he works nonstop behind the scenes to take our operations to the next level. By now, Matt has seen over 1,000 live music performances, given away over 200,000 free ice creams, and made an innumerable number of friends along the way... and there's nowhere to go but up.

Dave Gooch, Operations Director
Jukebox Hero
Dave Gooch has been helping out Ice Cream Man for quite a while now, making silly drawings that somehow find their way onto t-shirts and such. Now he helps full time filtering some of the scatterbrainedness of Ice Cream Man and sorting it into his own brand of scatterbrainedness. That's a word, look it up. In addition, Gooch serves as the managing content editor of
Gooch is a four time Gold Glove winner.

Jeremiah Garcia, Creative Director
Sometimes mistakes 6 for 9.
Growing up in intense heat has its way of instilling a passion for all things cold. As a child dwelling in Tucson’s blistering heat, what better way to escape than in the many wonders of ice cream? I was born and raised in the desert and, as most kids in Tucson, found salvation in a cold quick fix. Ice cream was the rule of the land and this soon landed me at my first job in the local ice cream parlor. This particular shop featured homemade ice cream and toppings hand mixed into the ice cream. The laborious task taught me both a love, as well as a healthy respect for the power of the cream.Having mastered the craft of creating beautiful and bizarre flavors and combinations, I found my next obsession in the world of music. The pursuit of higher education lead me to Pepperdine in Malibu, CA. Being in the Los Angeles area proved to be a much more fruitful arena for exposure to new music than Tucson had been (although it’s now beginning to catch up). My eye’s were jolted open; living in LA, I realized that it is entirely possible to go to a show every single night of the week. What does one do with such a thirst for cold treats and live music? You turn to the one man that can get you that fix. Thus, I turned to The Ice Cream Man.

James Boo, Outreach Director
Oooh, floor pie!
James joined the Ice Cream Crew in early 2007, weeks after he had returned from studies in the Russian Federation (ask him to tell you about the wonder of factory-produced Russian ice cream cones). He now directs Ice Cream Man's outreach efforts and edits Ice Cream Man's *Off the Wookie*. When he's not juggling dry ice, James works as a tutor and writer in New York City.[](

CraSH, Concert Staff Director
Make sure you "Triple-Dog-Dare" him!
Craig has been on board with Ice Cream Man since early 2006. No matter how many times he mutters to himself about miserable red and yellow gels in dimly lit hole-in-the-wall clubs, he continually subjects himself to F2.8 and ISO 3200 to capture fleeting moments of up-and-coming bands.A glutton for punishment... bordering on sado-masochism... when CraSH gets a chance to hang around Bessie... He will go into a re-enactment of the the flag pole scene from "A Christmas Story".In addition to shooting a never ending list of performances, Craig now coordinates our imaging projects and works with our concert staff at large, making sure that Ice Cream Man's music coverage is the best in the world.

Dr. Knife, Patron Saint
PhD in Awesomology
Although not actually a doctor, Dr. Knife is pursuing a PhD in Mathematics at Oregon State University under the alias Daniel Rockwell.Originally Dr. Knife was born in Alaska. He has been a music lover ever since he was a little kid. He was cursed/blessed with spending a childhood in Alaska. Absolutely NO good bands come to Alaska. Thus for his formative years Dan lived off of CDs and vinyl. Dan started collecting vinyl at the age of 13. He has quite a collection of records now!He drove 56 hours straight from Alaska to Oregon, no sleep! Dan drove The Ice Cream Man to pick up The Ice Cream Truck.He likes to play Bocce Ball on the lawn in the afternoon.His favorite ice cream is Cherry Garcia or a Big ED.

Matthias Ingimarsson, Photographer/Videographer
Iceland's is a lovely place!
Matthias moved to California from his home country of Iceland to study at the Brooks Institute of Photography and graduated in the fall of 2008 and now lives in Reykjavik, Iceland. He met Matt at an after party at the Hollywood Bowl, where his countrymen Sigur Rós had just played a packed show, and soon became a core member of the Ice Cream Crew taking photos and writing reviews from all over the world. As every one in this field Matthias has a website . By all means, feel free to email him at if you want any info on bands from Iceland.

Kate Schruth, Writer
NYC representer
Kate Schruth would like you to know that she writes show reviews for the Ice Cream Man in New York City. She loves music in most all of its glorious forms, but knows its best form is always live. Kate appreciates what you're saying but when she plays a song for you in her car, she'd like it if you would please be quiet and listen.Among her many accolades, Kate was the proud recipient of the "Honorary Participant Ribbon" for the annual Todd's Point Sandcastle Contest '97, and was a highly decorated Brownie (Troop 702) including - but not limited to - the Manners Patch, the Campfire patch, and the Friendship Patch.

Mathew Wenthe, Photographer
Hailing from the Sin City, Mathew has been making the festival rounds for Ice Cream Man since the summer of 2007. As our main photog in Las Vegas, he keeps plenty busy.

Jackie Canchola, Crew
a healthy eccentric person
Jackie is an accomplished fan girl from a surf town in San Diego. She met ICM at ATP 04 in Long Beach and knew she wanted in. It wasn't until she was sneaking in backstage at ArthurFest to try to chat to Julian Koster of Neutral Milk Hotel- he was standing next to very same ice cream truck eating a popsicle. After that moment, Jackie put her life together and b-lined to ICM to over excitedly ask him to be part of this real life paradise. Highlights include: getting a wink from Dave Gahan of Depeche Mode backstage at Lollapalooza, led personally to the premiere of Christmas on Mars by Wayne Coyne of Flaming Lips at Sasquatch, & sitting on a cooler of Beau as we towed Bessie while driving across the Southwest in a dust storm to SXSW 2011.
Jackie has played and lost badly in chess to Gary Kasparov & loves shooting underground circus performers.

Pat Kauchick, Photographer
New Mexican
Music fan since 1970. Saw Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead and Led Zepplin in 1977. Attended every Stones tour since 1972 except 1997 and 1994. Worked with Haight Asbury Clinics Rock Medicine for Bill Grahams concerts in early 80's including the 1981 Us Festival. Began concert photography in New Orleans at Tipitinas and at Jazz Fest late 80's. Published in Offbeat, Pulse, Musician, Performance, Times Picayune, Rock and Folk, Max, Canal, Le Observatuer many others. Album credits for Vanguard Records compilation, Rievers, Cowboy Mouth, Subdudes, John Mooney and Little Milton. My two favorite photos: The Stooges at Coachella 2003 and Earl King at Tipitinas. Frequent attendee of SxSw.... and all around good guy (icm).Contact Pat at [](

David Thornton, Photographer
Hank Jr.
Despite the heat & crowds of people, I love festivals like Coachella because you never know what's going to happen. I went to Lollapaloza in Atlanta in '95 & I saw Courtney Love get hit in the face with a Coke bottle. It was awesome! Man was she pissed! Earlier that day, the audience started a giant food fight during the Cypress Hill performance. Looking back at the lawn area, the sky was literally brown with food. It looked like a storm of locusts. Madness, total madness. If crazy stuff like that goes down at Coachella, you can bet I'm getting pictures of it. I'm also going to take 100's of photos of the bands in action & they're going to blow your mind (I hope). Anyway, about me: I'm a part-time photo nerd & a full-time music geek (or is that vice-versa?). I love Yoo-hoo, Rootbeer, Belgian Ales & Thai food. I collect vintage movie posters & I'm obsessed with playing trivia at happy hour. I enjoy travelling & white water rafting. I can't stand Licorice.Contact DT[ ](

Danielle Kelly, News Desk Editor
Danielle and the ICM crew met at a Jens Lekman show in 2007 and they have been inseparable since. With an insatiable love for concerts, events, new friends, and frozen treats, Danielle and the Ice Cream Man have developed a glorious union of slinging cream and documenting their adventures.

Paige Parsons, Photographer
Paige has been with the Ice Cream Man crew since Lollapalooza 2007. Her high school "Boy Bands" were Echo & the Bunnymen, Madness, and Lloyd Cole and the Commotions - she had crushes on members in each one. These days, her eyes (and ears) have turned to the boys in Death Cab For Cutie, Fleet Foxes and Sea Wolf. Even with a ball and chain plus two young ones, Paige makes time to photograph shows in the San Francisco Bay Area on a regular basis. Paige is also an editor and contributor for the up and coming music and entertainment blog, The Color Awesome.

Nicolas Bates, Photographer
Alien life form who happens to like ice cream
Originally an alien being, Nick now resides in the body of a human being. He may not have liked it much in the past, but has learned to love it and has made the best of it. You can usually find Nick working on music, or taking photos at hardcore shows while evading kicks to his head and equipment. He enjoys repealable decals and psychology, southern California summers and anything that will “open his mind.” His works range from fashion photography and event photography to music and auto racing events. His work can be seen at: Drop him a line, he loves that.

Andrew Young, Crew
The Andrew of All Trades
Andrew is an artist that enjoys as many mediums as humanly possible. He is an avid photographer, illustrator, painter, puppet maker, woodworker, clothing designer, clay sculptor, and baker. He always likes to keep busy and is often found trying new techniques and expanding his skills. From an early age he has worked in too many fields to keep track and is often accused of being hard to keep up with.
Currently he owns and operates: Splint Media, a web, graphic, and media production company. Malicious Glee, a custom clothing company, alongside a slew of various other projects. Andrew has been assisting the Ice Cream Man since 2006.
To learn more visit:,, or

JW Byer, Photographer/Writer
Jared hails from Toronto, Canada, but has called New York City his home since 2002. Traveling the world for two years, he documented his escapades in GlobeStompers. A recent addition to the Ice Cream Man crew in New York, Jared is stoked to be covering the local scene. His favorite venues include the Mercury Lounge, and the Bowery Ballroom. Jared likes long walks on the beach, sunsets, poutine (a French Canadian delicacy of fries topped with cheese curds and gravy), and some good ice cream. In addition, he wanted you to know that he was drinking a bucket of Thai whiskey and rum in this profile pic, and it was damn tasty!

Cory Robertson, Project Manager
It was a dark and stormy night when Cory stumbled in to the Ice Cream Man HQ with the disc. "You have to see this, it changes everything," he said exasperatedly. After popping it in the computer and tentatively clicking 'Play' it all became clear. "Good job," said Ice Cream Man, leaning back in his chair. "Good job, indeed." Cory's stuck around ever since.

Kevin J. Dickerson, Technologist
Hired geek
Kevin was born in Alaska and lives in Oakland, CA. Best buds with Dr. Knife, Kevin is a technology guy and does software for a living. Follow @kevindickerson on Twitter, and visit his company websites and hire him!